Her royal Highness – Rezension #39
Klappentext: Millie Quint is devastated when she discovers that her sort-of-best-friend/sort-of-girlfriend has been kissing someone else. Heartbroken and ready for a change of pace, Millie decides to apply for a scholarship to a boarding school… in the rolling Highlands of Scotland.
The only problem: Millie’s roommate, Flora, is a total princess. She’s also the actual princess. Of Scotland.
At first, the girls can’t stand each other, but before Millie knows it, she has another sort-of-best-friend/sort-of-girlfriend. Princess Flora could be a new Chapter in her love life, but Millie knows the chances of happily-ever-afters are slim. After all, real life isn’t a fairy tale… or is it?
„Why do you have to leave me? What’s Scotland got that Texas doesn’t? Other than discernible seasons, i guess.“
Rachel Hawkins
„All kinds of things,“ I tell him. „Kilts.“
„I can wear a kilt.“
„I’ll learn those.“
„Cool geology.“
„Texas has so many damn rocks, Mill.“
Grinning, I put another sweater in my suitcase. „It’s different,“ I say. „And I’m ready to be somewhere different for a while.“
„Her royal Highness“ von Rachel Hawkins ist unglaublich unterhaltsam. Freundschaft und Romantik kommen beide nicht zu kurz, genau wie der Humor. Floras und Millies Geschichte ist eine Queer-Lovestory zum Entspannen und Lachen.
Rezension geschrieben von Anna Bertelmann
Bildquelle Beitragsbild: Anna Bertelmann